First Blog

Well, this is my first Blog ever!!

I might be mad starting this, but thought that this would be a good outlet for me. It would also let me create things for others, and motivate me! I plan to write about my day (not that is is that interesting), talk about my weight loss challenge, my art work, design web freebies.. and ultimately I would like to design digital scrapbooking kits.

So join the party! This page wil "morph" over the next few weeks as I learn how to change things and when I creat things for freebies etc.

It hasn't been so hard so far!

My plan is to create at least a weekly word art/ digita element for scrapbooking...and eventually I would like to do this hang around!

No one will probably read this first post..but anyway, let me know if there is any sayings etc that you would like as word art

Freebie No

See you tomorrow!

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